Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night with a sudden epiphany? Possibly caused by the extreme synapsing by the neurons in your brain giving you an electric shock. Suddenly the answer to the problem you had been tearing your hair out over appears in your head as clear as day. Tonight is the second night in a row where such a thing occurred. My dear muse, why are you not active during normal waking times?...

What if wanting to eat lots of cakes is a conspiracy of the brain so that I'll become sleepy and let it rest!? D:!

First, the entire mechanism of the universe in my new manga series collaborated with my artist friend just fell into place. Then tonight, an idea regarding our cosplay uploads came to light. Now I wonder what it will be for tomorrow night...

Monday, August 13, 2012


Lunch at my cousin's flat was then accompanied by this delicious Panna Cotta made by my lovely cousin:

The cloves used for garnishing reminded me of alien viruses. *Suspicious*.

The cat at their flat! So cute and fluffy *3*


Sunday, August 12, 2012


Two sets of reunions in one day! Met up with a few of my close high school friends today right here in Dunedin! It was so great seeing them all again! Even the ones I see often, being there with that particular group was just an awesome experience. Don't know when I will see some of them next but we'll definitely keep in touch!

Our cocktail beverages from Carousel. The pink ones are the boys'.

I also finally got to meet up with my cousin who I don't get to see very often though we live in the same city. We had an amazing hot pot dinner at Golden Harvest! Was absolutely delicious and had just the right amount of food to eat!

1/2 plates of food we had. Looking at this is making me hungry again.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Tuneful Moments

Sharing various thoughts with a friend of mine the night before, we began talking about songs that lift us up in times of hardship. Here is yet another list of some personal favourtites that I listen to when I'm feeling a little under the weather.

#5. Scissorhands - Gero (Original. Hatsune Miku)

Have you ever watched Edward Scissorhands? If you haven't, I highly recommend it.
Gero is an "utaite" (google time for many). Personally I like his cover of this song the best.

#4. Our Let it Be - Hatsune Miku

#3. Euterpe - Egoist

Guilty Crown insert song.

#2. Sakurairo Maukoro - Nakashima Mika

A sad song where this couple's love will be remembered by the great tree that watched over them long after they are both gone.

#1. Order Made - Radwimps

Originally heard this song through the following video. Not only does the cuteness of the video pull at my heartstrings but the lyrics are just so lovely.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I haven't blogged in a very long time. But hopefully I'm back for longer this time. Following the example of my good friend who is such a master blogger, I shall restart this blog with a list.

Top 5 Things I do when Procrastinating:

#5. Read.

Nothing beats reading about an alternative universe where things are more exciting.

This includes textbook material that has nothing to do with your major.

#4. Sleep.

Sleepiness. You never experience it when you're having fun. Only sets in when you are required to do work.

Pre-readings: The perfect lullaby.

#3. Write Stories.

Need inspiration? Start studying and your muse will begin yelling in your ears.

Let me sing to you the song of my people.

#2. Watch Anime / Drama / Movies.

A very dangerous option. Once you start, it is very hard to stop until you finish. (Spoken from experience.)

You may not live to tell the tale...

#1. Clean my Room.

Suddenly, the filth that was normal becomes unbearable. Your hands begin to itch and soon you're doing your laundry, washing the dishes and reordering your bookshelves in alphabetical order.

Perfect wife syndrome.